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Agenda Item

1. 200344 Communication relating to a citywide masking policy.

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    Michelle Leichtnam about 4 years ago

    Masks are essential in slowing the spread of the virus SARS-CoV-2. The virus is primarily spread through the air from respiratory droplets and aerosols, from sneezing and coughing with the highest concentration to evenly breathing through the nose with the lowest concentration. The majority of infections have stemmed from pre-symptomatic people believing they are still healthy. The incubation period of the virus is 2-14 days, and people are contagious up to several days prior to showing symptoms. Any barrier that covers the nose and mouth significantly reduces the virus put into the air.

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    Dan Sebring about 4 years ago

    As a Lyft driver I recently encountered an epidemiologist for GE Medical Systems. The topic of masks came up. This PhD epidemiologist said that COVID-19 is NOT and airborne virus and wearing a mask does NOTHING to slow it's spread. DR. FOUCI himself has said that there is NO REASON to require EVERYONE to wear a mask. To say that 'the science is clear' is a flat out lie. In fact some scientists opine that the detrimental effects of healthy people wearing a mask outweigh any perceived benefits. Nothing is stopping businesses from implementing mask policies on their own without a gov't mandate.

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    Brook Ihde about 4 years ago

    Experts have proven that if everyone wears a mask, they work. If not wearing a mask only harmed the person making that choice, then fine. But by not wearing one, the person could be spreading the virus and risking the lives of others. Individual freedom does not mean the right to infect and kill others. The "dangers" from mask-wearing are misinformation. Masks are safe and don't impede oxygen intake. We have so many cases in the US because policies like this are not being mandated. If a masking policy is not enacted people will die; preventable deaths that you will be responsible for.

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    Molly Kiefer about 4 years ago

    As a service worker, I strongly urge you to pass this ordinance. A citywide masking policy protects the well-being of service workers who are being required to interact with customers and the city as a whole. Wearing a mask is a trivial task everyone can do to prevent the spread. Introducing this policy NOW is critical in preventing the inevitable outbreaks that are yet to come.

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    Jessica Howard about 4 years ago

    Please wear a mask. Rather be safe then sorry. Even if I'm not a carrier I don't want to risk getting you or your family sick. It's being a considerate human being.

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    Nolan D about 4 years ago

    Please help stop the spread.

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    Lydia Jarvis about 4 years ago

    I support the mask policy. We should also dedicate budget toward supplying masks to every home and an education campaign on proper mask use.

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    Elfie Schneider about 4 years ago

    Scientific evidence shows this is not healthy for us.$/download/masks-are-unhealthy-according-to-osha/4a97505ffc8aac9e1ce70c72c9b4e9b8ad442ea4

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    Kari Smith about 4 years ago

    Please put a mask order in place. It's simply foolish to risk public health to preserve the intolerance of minor inconvenience of a few. It is quite clear that wearing a mask does not cause harm as heathcare professionals do so for extended periods as a matter of routine.

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    Alison Westermann about 4 years ago

    I'm a licensed RN and city of milwaukee resident. I oppose a mask mandate, everyone out wearing masks has not been educated on proper use and are wearing them inappropriately. At this point they are contaminating themselves and others, doing more harm than good. I've seen crocheted masks, bandanas and people wearing masks below their noses, touching their faces, contaminating everything. A mandate is not going to change that, move money out of the city (I will certainly put my money elsewhere as i'm already avoiding businesses with mandates) and risk the health and safety of milwaukeeans.

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    Anna Krajcik about 4 years ago

    Please put a citywide mask requirement in place. It's the easiest and most well documented step we can take as a community to keep each other safe while still balancing the need for people to work and support businesses in the service industry. Health experts have increasingly recommended this as a step we can take to keep the pandemic from continuing. Please do not listen to all the folks who have no idea how masks actually work and who ignore the medical science because of some belief that "the government is controlling us". The good of the many outweigh the ignorance of the few.

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    Krystine Lindemann about 4 years ago

    N95 masks only filter air coming IN. They don’t filter air the wearer breaths out. They’re meant only for being worn in contaminated environments. Masks are improperly worn (under nose, removed to take a drink, etc.) rendering them useless. The virus is also smaller than masks can filter. There is no need, other than control and fear based compliance, for a mask mandate. Those that feel they’d like to wear masks can CHOOSE to do so. No peer reviewed published study has shown masks rendered effective for the sake of protecting others. Don’t tread on freedoms for something science has disproven.

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    Erin Hallinan about 4 years ago

    This is a time in which people are attempting to politicize a virus, we need to look past politics and listen to the experts, we need to protect all of or citizens, and stop putting these decisions onto the backs of business owners as it has left their employees in threatening situations by belligerent members of the community. Do what is right and make masks a requirement.

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    Jamie Koleas about 4 years ago

    There have been many studies indicating that widespread use of masks cuts viral transmission by a significant percentage. Scant months ago we were calling essential workers "heroes", and now they are being put at risk by an unwilling public. Please make use of masks a legal mandate, as people are generally selfish and will not wear them unless compelled.

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    Chloe Sands about 4 years ago

    This outcry is shameful. Wearing a mask is the easiest thing one person can do to protect others.
    The complaints about negative health effects aren't grounded in science and the complaints about it violating personal freedom are laughable. Having to wear pants violates personal freedom, too, but I don't see people wanting that revoked.
    There is zero downside to a masking policy: masks are easy to make, and easy to procure if you don't' want to make one. They help keep our community safe. They will, in fact, increase the amount of freedom we can have. Please wear your masks.

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    Anne Kirschmann about 4 years ago

    Please require masks in order to make us all safer. Without them the virus could reoccur at higher levels making our economy weaker as businesses need to close and making it impossible for our children to receive their education.

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    Jessica Polacheck about 4 years ago

    This is a clear infringement of our rights. It is also a serious health risk, significantly limiting oxygen intake in hot weather conditions will lead to many injuries. It is an unfounded measure as the virus threat is extremely low at this time.

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    Sarah DeGeorge about 4 years ago

    Masking only helps if everyone is on board and unfortunately it is clear that a segment of the public is unwilling to contribute to the public good unless mandated to do so. Beyond safety, it is vital for our economy that we get on the downslope of this pandemic as soon as possible. I believe a masking policy will help us get there, as evidenced by the slopes of countries that took stronger countermeasures than us.

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    Carly Sydow about 4 years ago

    There is already sufficient scientific evidence that universal masking helps contain the spread of covid-19. This virus is deadly and especially affects the most vulnerable in our communities. It is spread from people who don’t even know yet that they are infected. Please pass this mandate to help keep Milwaukee safe and start a downward trend of covid cases.

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    Roxanne Dobbs about 4 years ago

    Please make masks mandatory. Cases are not going down and people are dying.