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Agenda Item

1. 200344 Communication relating to a citywide masking policy.

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    Carol Blonien about 4 years ago

    As a RN and former public health nurse I strongly support mandating masks in the city of Milwaukee. It is one of the few tools we have to minimize the virus transmission in the community. I agree with our Mayor, we should follow the science. Let Milwaukee be a leader in protecting citizens and businesses.

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    Andrea Neuser about 4 years ago

    As for me and my household, we VEHEMENTLY OPPOSE such a ridiculous, overreaching, and unnecessary mandate. We live in America, the greatest country on earth, and because of this were afforded freedoms and constitutional rights. How about you wear your masks and allow the rest of us with common sense and immune systems live without further intrusions on our freedoms and intelligence. NO to nonsensical mandates, NO to big government, and NO to political games that wreak havoc on our lives!

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    Ellen Suhr about 4 years ago

    Opening the city this early is incredibly irresponsible as is, given the huge surge in cases over the last week, mandating masks is a necessary step to prevent mass infection and transmission. Masks should be required to enter any indoor spaces—businesses, city buildings, and university campuses. This should not apply to public spaces like parks where social distancing can be maintained. The health of the city hangs in the balance and risky actions now will cost Milwaukee lives in the future.

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    Christine Ceranowski about 4 years ago

    I will Not conform to this evil antichrist agenda.put me in jail!
    Already purchasing a home outside this demonic Democratic cesspool city of Milwaukee....

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    JMM Misch about 4 years ago

    Strongly oppose! I am a 66 yo with some health issues. I rarely get the flu or a cold. I eat healthy, get sunshine and take a natural vitamin. I also strongly oppose any vaccine 💉 “they” come up with. Follow the $ to see who will profit from this.

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    Andre Robitaille about 4 years ago

    We have hated corporate personhood and influence in politics, yet with this resolution the mayor and council are doing the opposite, touting the 70-business letter as important. Those businesses state there must be a mandate otherwise people will go to competing businesses without mask policies. This premise is based on benefiting BUSINESSES by BURDENING THE PEOPLE. This is made even more restrictive by Ald. Dimitrijevic stating that she wants masks in outdoor public situations ("will closely resemble [Los Angeles]"). If going to bars/restaurants/events is the problem, then only restrict them.

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    Scott Cook about 4 years ago

    Strongly oppose. If the group of businesses want to require masks in their establishments, fine. But don't expect the rest of the City to do the same. Governor Evers has said that a statewide mandate would not be possible due to the state court ruling. If anything, this would drive people out of the city to spend their money.

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    Ryan Kulp about 4 years ago

    Masks are not political. We've proven that people are mostly self-interested; in the interest of the *community as a whole*, mask use should be mandated to support minimum loss of life.

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    AMBER Br about 4 years ago

    I strongly oppose mandatory mask-wearing. Government overreach.

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    Scott Margetta about 4 years ago

    Mask have been proven to be ineffective, as the covid virus is too microscopically small to be stopped by any of the mask. this farmers is not going away, mass, social distancing, and staying at home is not going to stop it. We must let it run its course as we do with H1N, SARS, and influence. And in fact covet has a better survival rate than any of the four mentioned viruses..

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    McKenna Baxter about 4 years ago

    No way! We are not in a Communist Country! Stop with the tyranny! Masks do not work! If you want to wear one, or is your choice. We can not be forced to do anything in America!

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    Zoe Idarraga about 4 years ago

    Masks have been scientifically proven to lessen the spread of COVID-19. All claims that masks negatively impact o2 saturation and respiratory health have been categorically disproven. COVID cases continue to rise in WI as people flock to bars, restaurants, and social gatherings with neither masks nor social distancing. We as citizens need to protect our economy from another shutdown and protect our most vulnerable; a mask is one of the easiest and least invasive ways to do so. If Milwaukee refuses this ordinance they condemn their citizens to yet another lockdown and more and more deaths.

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    Samantha Holt about 4 years ago

    With the recent UW Department of Medicine study that found only 41% of WI residents wear face coverings at the grocery store, it seems that a face covering mandate in all public spaces is necessary in order to proactively slow the spread of COVID-19. Sadly, many individuals are not protecting themselves and others from COVID-19 voluntarily, so we must require face coverings to protect our community. The effectiveness of masks coupled with social distancing is indisputable. This is not a civil liberties issue, but a public health crisis and we must come together and protect one another.

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    Kaitlyn R about 4 years ago

    When faced with a virus in which people can be asymptomatic and pass it along to much more susceptible and vulnerable people, a mask has been proven to greatly lessen the chance of it being contagious. If Milwaukee wants to protect its citizens, then everyone should be required to wear a mask.

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    Laken Schoessow about 4 years ago

    From the beginning, all we heard about was flatten the curve, which we did! We didn’t want hospitals overwhelmed. Which they never were! We were lied to from the start! The shutdown was tyranny and so is this. We can’t live under this type of control. It was never meant to be until this was cured or a vaccine was created (which I will never get) we have flattened the curve. We lost jobs because of it. We lost our sanity because of it. Drug abuse and divorce rates are higher due to it. We will NOT comply and not lose our freedom anymore. You did it once, NEVER AGAIN!

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    Samantha Fink about 4 years ago

    Masks should be mandated, all people able to wear one should. This is beneficial to businesses and individuals. Lowering the risk of Covid-19, while keeping our businesses running is important. Our smaller businesses cannot stay open when people unknowingly bring the virus into the location, but if they self mandate they risk loosing customers who a mask inconveniences. We need to stand by our vulnerable citizens and businesses.

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    Carly Mae Derezinski about 4 years ago

    Masks should be mandatory until we see significant reduction in infection numbers. I am a preschool teacher working every day in close proximity to very small children, and I am scared for my health and the health of the vulnerable kids in my care every time I have to run an errand or commute to work by bike and see most of the people around me without a mask. Masks have been proven to reduce transmission rates. Masks are not infringing on our rights, and anyone who says so is honestly an idiot. Make them mandatory, protect your citizens from themselves.

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    Megan OHalloran about 4 years ago

    I strongly support mandatory masks. It’s a critical part of risk mitigation until we can find a vaccine. My elderly father wears one. My children wear them. We know that doing what’s best for the community is best for us. I just hope the requirement isn’t used punitively. Please don’t make penalties that will disproportionately affect poor and marginalized communities. (I live in Ald. Spiker’s district)

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    Rose Stempski about 4 years ago

    If a business wants to require a mask they’re free to do so and I’m free to not wear one in public. It should be a guideline and not a mandate. Not everyone can wear one.

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    Anne Rapp about 4 years ago

    Please prioritize the Common Good and make mask-wearing required in public in the City of Milwaukee. Per the CDC, there are multiple studies and emerging evidence that suggests mask wearing can help slow the spread of Covid19, whereby infected persons (symptomatic or not) wearing masks will be prevented from spreading respiratory droplets into the air. This is especially important in places of business, and in places where 6 ft of distance cannot be maintained. Everyone who CAN wear a mask SHOULD, to protect those who have conditions that prevent them from being able to safely wear a mask.