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Agenda Item

1. 200344 Communication relating to a citywide masking policy.

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    Peter Murphy about 4 years ago

    I support this but do not want to see the mask requirement become a guise for unfair/unequal policing, so I wonder what forms enforcement will take. The folks advocating for personal freedom and common sense seem to ignore the evident failure of common sense to stifle the spread of the virus, which has claimed 120,000 lives in the US.

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    Ashley Nault about 4 years ago

    Strongly Oppose! There is little evidence to support the effectiveness of face masks to reduce the risk of infection

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    Jeffrey Lewandowski about 4 years ago

    Strongly disagree, since masks are removed anyway, to dine.....

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    Stephen Polacheck about 4 years ago

    This is ridiculous

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    Cassandra Papesh about 4 years ago

    As someone who works in the service industry I fully support this. I already know that if one person on staff gets sick it spreads itself around, this happens every flu season. But now the stakes are higher with a virus we are still grasping to understand. What some seem to fail at grasping is that if labor is not protected businesses will fall. What is important is that we be able to continue functioning, which means having healthy people working. This isn't just about health, it's about the longevity and stability of our economy. If we have the ability to lower risks we should.

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    Katherine Neubauer about 4 years ago

    Please vote yes to support and protect the workers of our community who are falling victim to others’ refusal to wear masks. I’m astounded that this has become a political issue; it’s simply about caring for others who are vulnerable.

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    Dan Nowak about 4 years ago


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    Kellie Thiel about 4 years ago

    I strongly oppose this mandate!

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    Ian Olvera about 4 years ago

    I support a citywide mask policy. With businesses continuing to reopen while cases rise it feels shortsighted to not have one in place. Let's have one now and get through this safer and sooner together. -Ian, Dist 14 resident.

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    Maura Ross about 4 years ago

    I strongly support the mandate to wear masks. Masks have been shown to be effective at stopping the spread of the virus, but only when everyone is wearing them. We’ve given people the opportunity to do the right thing and look out for each other. People have consistently shown they are unwilling to do so. People have consistently shown they don’t care about the health and safety of their neighbors. I have been shocked by the lack of masks I’ve seen around my neighborhood (Bay View). I am an essential worker. Please help protect us since our neighbors won’t.

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    John Buchel about 4 years ago

    I support a citywide mask policy as a way to save potentially tens of thousands of lives, manage and mitigate the risk, and set us up for a speedy economic recovery. I applaud these businesses for leading where others have failed to do so. Milwaukee has one of the highest per capita of independent restaurants in the country. They cannot withstand another shutdown. Without this simple and common sense measure, we risk losing a vital chunk of employment base and our culture.

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    Teresa Hammer about 4 years ago

    To anyone claiming their resistance to masking is rooted in “health risks” (CO2 retention, hypoxia, etc), I am an RN on the team that operationalized the COVID surge plan for our largest hospital. When you contract COVID from refusing to mask in a crowded restaurant or bar, the nurses and doctors who will save you have been wearing masks door-to-door for every 12+ hour shift they’ve worked since mid-March. They are doing just so perfectly fine that I can’t even describe it. Have a shred of empathy and consideration for the world outside yourself, as we all will suffer for your selfishness.

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    Britany Gunderson about 4 years ago

    A citywide masking policy is absolutely necessary if we are to get the spread of COVID-19 under any sort of control. After a week of Wisconsin's highest positive cases, we have already seen many businesses NOT following the arbitrary restrictions of 50% capacity or a person every 30 square/ft because there has been no enforcement of it. Businesses have also not been reporting positive cases at their locations. Requiring masks to enter businesses would greatly reduce the risk for workers and other people attending those businesses, and give people a very easy guideline to follow.

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    Chase Allen about 4 years ago

    Mandated public masks will do more harm than good. It's unlawful to legislate health; we are not obligated to protect our neighbors against potential threats to their well-being at the expense of our own, and there is enough published science to suggest that mask-wearing is not a one-size-fits-all situation.

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    Nicholas Iannone about 4 years ago

    Milwaukee is far too large of a metropolitan area to be capable of either continuing to quarantine successfully or to avoid further COVID breakouts without some sort of a mandatory masking policy. We should've learned this lesson from the Spanish Flu, but somehow, selfish and ignorant people continue to put others' lives and health at risk. I had an indeterminate respiratory illness back in November, and it nearly killed both myself and my fiancee, and caused me slight lung damage ever since.

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    Amanda Kroll about 4 years ago

    The CDC numbers show that this disease is no more deadly than any other we face every day. We need to focus on our own personal health through diet, exercise, rest, etc. Masks can cause the spread to worsen due to poor fit, increased face touching, and decreased oxygen to the user. They are unnecessary at this point.

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    A T about 4 years ago

    I am already deeply troubled by the city’s rushed and sloppy re-opening as the cases surge in our city. Mandating masks in public indoor spaces is a bare minimum step we can take to help protect ourselves and others -- especially essential workers who have been forced to put themselves on the line since the beginning of this crisis. The willful ignorance on display will continue to come at a deadly cost if the city does not intervene with this legislation.

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    Gregory Leon about 4 years ago

    support 100% - Its time the city does something to protect all the restaurant employees

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    Caitlin Cullen about 4 years ago

    With Milwaukee small businesses already in jeopardy of permanent closure, taking the decision making of a mandatory mask policy out of their already full hands is the best road to successful reopening and survival. Regardless of a person's opinion on masks' efficacy in preventing the spread of Covid-19, small businesses rely on a diverse set of patrons to keep money coming in and much needed jobs in the market. 50% of patrons may not go out without a mandatory mask policy, while 50% may boycott businesses that independently choose to require them. Milwaukee needs to make the decision for them.

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    Will Wisniewski about 4 years ago

    A mask requirement is critical if we want to significantly lessen the amount of Coronavirus cases in our city. We have seen what happens in other states when they rush the reopening process. Having the requirement in place will allow businesses to continue to stay open and contribute to our economy while protecting the health of our community. It's a win-win. Wearing a mask is easy, claiming that enforcing this simple measure in the midst of a pandemic is somehow government overreach is short-sighted and selfish.