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Agenda Item

1. 200344 Communication relating to a citywide masking policy.

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    Jack Davidson about 4 years ago

    I support a masking mandate. The politicization of this issue into one about personal freedoms is absurd. When you choose to ride a motorcycle without a helmet, you're only putting yourself at greater risk; when you choose not to wear a mask, you're putting me and my loved ones at risk. It is not the same. Individual rights extend out only to the point where they conflict with other people's rights or public safety. Not wearing a mask during a pandemic conflicts with both. A masking mandate will save lives, resources and allow us to open up our businesses and schools that much sooner.

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    Matthew Pedersen about 4 years ago

    It's more about control than it is about safety. And terrible things have been done for both. Taking this to a logical conclusion, we would be able to be arrested for not wearing a loose fitting cloth on our faces, which is absolutely absurd in and of itself, even while ignoring the science that proves they don't work.

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    Laura Koenig about 4 years ago

    I strongly oppose! Masks do not help, look at China!

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    Katlynn Watters about 4 years ago

    Multiple reputable studies have indicated that proper and consistent mask usage can reduce Covid-19 transmission and prevent the spread through the community. If the city is going to be open, it is in the interest of public health to encourage mask use to prevent spikes.

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    Debra Gould about 4 years ago

    Strongly oppose! We as Americans and adults can make our own decisions. If masks were so helpful to stop the spread, we would have been forced to wear from day one, not 4 months into this!

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    Cylest Brooks about 4 years ago

    In the strongest possible terms, I urge the council to pass this policy.

    I have an autoimmune disease (AID). My immune system has identified a part of my body as a foreign enemy, and it fights that fake enemy 24/7. Because of that, it's too weak to fight off real enemies and sicknesses.

    A few years ago, I got Strep Throat and the virus migrated to my legs, causing large, open, black wounds on my feet and legs. For months my body decayed from the inside out. It took a dozen doctors to save me. The pain was unimaginable.

    COVID-19 would likely kill me. I need people to wear their masks.

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    Doug Ramthun about 4 years ago

    I strongly oppose what you are attempting to impose. As a US Citizen and an adult, I able able to make my own health and safety decisions. I know how to keep myself and others safe and will do so at my own discretion. This mandate is infringing of my Rights and a true demonstration of Government overreach!

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    Donald Gasser about 4 years ago

    No studies have been done to demonstrate that either a cloth mask or the N95 mask has any effect on transmission of COVID-19. As a matter of fact, research published in the Annals of Internal Medicine at the first of April indicated that “both surgical and cotton masks seem to be ineffective in preventing the dissemination of SARS–CoV-2 from the coughs of patients with COVID-19. Wearing a mask to keep out this virus would be comparable to building a chain link fence to keep out Mosquitoes.

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    Gary Witt about 4 years ago

    I own and operate the Pabst Theater Group. My business books and promotes over 700 shows a year in Milwaukee. A city mask rule is critical to the survival of my businesses. Without a city mandate, many customers will not be willing to come to our businesses and our employees can’t be assured of a safe work environment. Taking this measure will prevent us from becoming like Houston or Florida. These areas opened up without public  masking policies and have seen spikes in cases and even regressions in re-opening. With Wisconsin seeing an  increase in Covid-19 cases, now is the time to act.

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    Chelsea Obermann about 4 years ago

    People think wearing a mask infringes on their freedom and it's quite the opposite. The more people wear masks, the sooner we will be free to do more! It's just a piece of fabric people, it's the least we can do.

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    Mary Dean about 4 years ago

    Healthy people wearing masks is dangerous to our health. When wearing a mask, you are breathing in carbon dioxide which depletes oxygen to the body and brain. Several physicians online have warned about this but the media keeps perpetrating lies to scare people into their agenda. Mandatory masks are also violating our Constitutional rights, so get ready for the City of Milwaukee to be bombarded with lawsuits if you persist in this lie.

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    Sarah Karasch about 4 years ago

    I strongly oppose any mask mandate. This is yet another ridiculous overreach of government. When will it end?? What will be next? Mandating the fast tracked vaccine? NO. We will not comply.

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    Olivia Underdah about 4 years ago

    Wearing a mask is a simple, effective, and scientifically sound way to prevent the spread of this deadly virus. It not only protects you, but also those around you, especially essential workers who are putting their own health and safety at risk to serve the Milwaukee community. The false narrative surrounding the 'danger' of masks is alarming, as is the amount of people spreading misinformation and claiming that this protective health measure amidst a global pandemic is 'infringing upon their freedoms' and 'harming the economy.' Without healthy citizens there's no economy left to worry about.

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    Celia Zeidler about 4 years ago

    As a Sherman park resident I STRONGLY oppose this Order and violation of liberties. Im embarrassed to live here and never so strongly considered leaving. Businesses have the right to enforce mark orders should they do choose and citizens have the right to either use those businesses or not. Stop abusing your power and wasting tax dollars

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    Erica Samz about 4 years ago

    Please pass the mask mandate and prevent us from becoming the next hot spot. I work in Milwaukee schools and if we want schools to be able to open this fall we need to keep the virus from exploding in our city.

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    Jack Campbell about 4 years ago

    People do not have the "freedom" to "choose" to infect and add to the alarming number of deaths and permanent complications that could have been reduced with proper precautions. Failure to act is complacency in harming your constituents. Do not make us look like fools in the history books.

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    J Leigh Day about 4 years ago

    If the government or any business wants to continue to force unsolicited medical advice on nonconsenting citizens they will start assuming the financial and medical liabilities for such harmful, unscientific, and unconstitutional measures. "Face coverings" do not stop the spread of this man made biological agent or any virus. There are NO RCT OR MEDICAL STUDIES PROVING OTHERWISE. They are not "saving any lives", they are endangering all lives. Masks reduce health and safety by reducing respiratory exchange, increasing viral load, and creating an environment ripe for disease proliferation.

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    Alyssa Flandermeyer about 4 years ago

    We should listen to the experts, and they're saying that wearing masks helps prevent the spread of COVID-19. As more and more people want to "return to normal" requiring everyone to wear masks when out in public will help protect the public, especially those at high-risk.

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    Kiana Werner about 4 years ago

    The US is 4% of the world's population but has 25% of the entire world's cases. We have examples of cities that have opened too early and without mask requirements whose infection rates are skyrocketing. We know that masks are most effective when everyone wears them. This is in the interest of protecting all citizens, and to fail to require them is nothing short of dangerous, selfish, and despicable.

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    Erica Nelson about 4 years ago

    No mask mandates! No mandates for anything ever!