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Agenda Item

1. 200344 Communication relating to a citywide masking policy.

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    Emily Sumner about 4 years ago

    Please use common sense. We know there are outbreaks from prolonged exposure indoors without masks (or bars and restaurants). Increasing capacity without a fask mask ordinance is reckless.

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    Natasha Veal about 4 years ago

    As a medical technologist at one of the largest hospitals in the Milwaukee area, I cannot stress enough the importance of masks. I handle hundreds of covid specimen samples a day for testing, and I firmly believe the reason no one in the lab has contracted covid19 is because of our mask policy. Essential work rs should not have to put their lives in danger because others choose not to wear a mask because they don't feel like it. A mask is a simple face covering, not a shackle on freedom. Wearing a mask is simple, but just requiring a face covering is not enough. Education must follow suit.

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    Leslie Kaiser about 4 years ago

    If 99+% of people who get Covid do just fine why not let those that are not worried about it go out and do so without masks. Those that are scared are welcome to wear masks. Encourage those that are elderly, infirmed, or immunocompromised to stay home. Why infringe upon all liberties to protect those that should be using common sense and staying home. Currently, the increase in cases identified are increasing, due to testing vume increases and the separation we have endured that has weakened our immune systems, but hospitalizations are decreasing as was theorized at the initial shutdown.

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    Jane Monfre about 4 years ago

    I strongly support this policy - masks have been shown to prevent the spread of Covid in asymptomatic carriers, and it has been proven that pulse ox levels do NOT drop when you're wearing a mask vs. not wearing a mask. This is a case of individual responsibility for the good of the community and everyone doing their part to helping slow the spread of Covid. If you cannot wear a mask for whatever reason, there are many, many avenues in which to get essentials delivered to your door. Please support this policy, it is a public health matter.

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    Louisa Diliberti about 4 years ago

    We NEED a mask policy. Virus transmission can happen quickly, easily and silently. As an individual, wearing a mask only provides me minimal protection. I am provided far more protection if those that are infected wear a mask. However since spread can occur before symptoms occur and even without any symptoms at all, the only way to ensure that all infected individuals wear masks is to make sure everyone wears a mask. - This is basic public safety - Plus, the lack of a mask policy disproportionately limits the freedom of many including the elderly, which is a protected class under federal law.

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    mf mf about 4 years ago


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    Sukanya Lodh about 4 years ago

    Wearing proper mask limits the spread.

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    Mike Brenner about 4 years ago

    I graduated high school. Took a couple science classes. While I wish god would protect me, he hasn’t done much for Florida, but then again, maybe he’s a snowbird and will help us here.

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    Tammi Savic about 4 years ago

    I strongly SUPPORT the wearing of masks. Health experts say the evidence is clear that masks can help prevent the spread of COVID-19 and that the more people wearing masks, the better.

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    Carrie Hildeman about 4 years ago

    Please follow the science! A mask policy is so simple and could save so many lives!

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    Brigette Breitenbach about 4 years ago

    Wearing a mask is internationally recognized by the medical community as effective in spreading COVID-19. Why wouldn’t we do something so simply to make Milwaukee a safer place during this unprecedented health crisis?

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    Dre Day about 4 years ago

    Strongly oppose. This is a slippery slope. What will be mandated next? This also violates bodily autonomy, the right to self governance over one's own body without external influence or coercion, which is a fundamental human right.

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    Mary Zander about 4 years ago

    I strongly oppose this measure. Not only is it unconstitutional to require people to wear masks, there is a lot of information out there showing that they are visually useless in protecting against the transmission of viruses. It is like "putting up a chainlink fence to keep out mosquitoes". Please see the attached article from infection control to read more about the issue. Thank you.

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    tanner musgrove about 4 years ago

    If we have the ability to make our community safer by wearing masks, why wouldn’t we take that opportunity? Masks have been proven to work and it has also been proven that they don’t affect our breathing. Individualism will not stop/ minimize the spread of Covid, taking the necessary precautions will. This isn’t about taking away our rights, it’s about looking out for our neighbors.

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    Brett Smith about 4 years ago

    Strongly oppose! Masks do little to nothing to stop the spread, and can do harm. Some legitimately cannot wear them and they are shamed & tormented. Masks have become a twisted social badge of honor that supposedly shows you care about others and has inflamed divisiveness. The vast majority of people I see wearing masks do so incorrectly with nose & often mouth out. This does zero good. They give a false sense of security. Hand washing is the best protection. Focus on good health & building immune system. Please DO NOT force this on people. Thank you!

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    Annemarie Kaiser about 4 years ago

    I strongly oppose a city ordinance requiring people to wear a mask

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    Sharon Kevil about 4 years ago

    Dr. Raymond of the medical college has been suggesting people wear them, and our r-rate is up over 1 again this week. Mandate everyone must wear them. Very small children and those with sensory issues like autism could be given a special opt-out, and we’d still be better off at combating the spread.

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    KG Byrd about 4 years ago

    Oppose. Common masks reduce your level of oxygen in your bloodstream and recirculate bad stuff through your system setting up long-term negative effects -- all while not stopping viruses from passing through. Particularly harmful to children.

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    Janet Heck about 4 years ago

    I believe wearing a mask in public will help curve the spread of Covid - 19. Things are getting out of control with all the non social distancing that is going on in public. We are dealing with a virus that needs to be brought under control. Wearing a mask is the answer! Otherwise we will be in for yet another lock down, which will not only effect our mental health, but will also effect our economy.Wearing a mask in public still gives everyone the ability to be out and support our economy.

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    Meghan Suchomski about 4 years ago

    I strongly oppose any such mandate. There is no research supporting the efficacy of homemade masks, which is what most people are wearing. Your homemade mask may make you feel safe, it may make you feel cute, it may make you feel socially responsible, but in reality it is nothing more than a germ-infested rag that is very likely contributing to the spread of COVID-19. Such a mandate feels awfully like a showy political move and not at all like a genuine effort to protect our people.