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Agenda Item

4. 200426 A substitute ordinance relating to a requirement for face coverings in public spaces during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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    Stuart Halstead over 4 years ago

    This truly requires minimal effort and there is nothing to say your body will shut down because of levels of CO2 if you use a mask. People cannot be inconvenienced for a few moments to just REDUCE the risk of others. Do you put on a seat belt even if you don't plan on crashing? Wear a mask just in case you could spread it.

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    Dawn Mau over 4 years ago

    I am upset & angry that I will be ostracized and excluded because of my disability. I CAN'T UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU ARE SAYING WHEN YOU WEAR A MASK! Do you realize how much Deaf and Hard of Hearing people rely on lip reading? So it's ok for you all to discriminate against us who rely on SEEING what the person is saying in order to fit into society? What about the Deaf and HOH Kids that NEED Speech Therapy? THEY NEED TO SEE the Instructor's LIPS! Awesome! Now I get to be fined for having my disability... GRRRR!!

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    Marissa Ko over 4 years ago

    This is crucial to protecting our community, especially the most vulnerable members (like those who cannot work from home). Many people have shown that they will not wear a mask unless it is required. This requirement will help prevent wisconsin from becoming the next FL or AZ.

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    Andrea Heile over 4 years ago

    Wearing a mask saves lives.

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    Nicole Re over 4 years ago

    If we’re talking about community care and support, what *wouldnt* you do to promote the safety & wellness of those around you? This is an effortless, unencumbered act that does those things.

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    Amber Glembin over 4 years ago

    Wearing a face covering is the lowest effort action you can take to save a life. Don’t impose illness on others out of stubbornness.

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    Ashleigh Labbe over 4 years ago

    Wearing masks in public spaces is a proven method to reduce transmission rates of COVID-19. This makes a big difference and requires very little effort on everyone's part. I strongly support this measure as a way to reduce transmission, flatten the curve, and protect vulnerable populations.

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    Shannon Massman over 4 years ago

    Thank you for this advancing this legislation. Like others, I'm concerned that consistent enforcement is impractical, yet I still support it for several purposes: empowering individuals and businesses to defend themselves by defining individual and business rights/responsibilities, protecting individuals in specific enforceable scenarios, and clarifying our values. Like requiring shoes and other clothing, it is inconvenient, but supports our freedom to access to our public resources, protects our prosperity, and balances our individual rights with the rights of those around us.

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    Danielle Meyer over 4 years ago

    I support this, but it def can't end here. This is a racial & economic justice issue and Black & Brown folx are at a higher risk of exposure, period. I am a white woman who can work from home and therefore have a low risk of exposure. I think we need indefinitely extended unemployment benefits and paid sick leave for all who need it or seek it out. I want my tax dollars used in this way.

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    Ben Labbe over 4 years ago

    As a PhD holder in microbiology, the science behind mask wearing is clear. While they will not prevent 100% of transmission events, they greatly reduce person-to-person transmission. A mask mandate would, without question, save lives and hold negligible associated costs. I strongly urge the council to support the mandate for face coverings in public spaces, and to consider taking additional actions that would increase the availability of affordable masks to Milwaukee residents.

    For a recent publication providing statistics on mask wearing, see:

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    Sallust Cato over 4 years ago

    I oppose the general ordinance but could live with the indoor mandate if necessary. However, I strongly oppose the mandate for outdoors, at any distance. The science is far from settled on this issued, and the science is changing everyday. We may actually end up making ourselves sicker with this mandate. Other than Shorewood, as far as I know, no other communities in the MKE County are have a mandate, and rightly so. Do not pass this ordinance.

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    Stephanie Baghai over 4 years ago

    Support. It takes little to no effort to wear and mask and has proven to save lives. This is the only country where this has become a political issue and yet we’re doing the worse sooooo what does that say?

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    Alex Jandrin over 4 years ago

    I support because masks are a simple way for it to be safer for anyone while inside a business. Some businesses are even asking for the mandate because they don't want to have to continue dealing with people who refuse a mask. I'm more likely to go into a business that requires a mask as well. I won't even set foot in my usual grocery store because of the people not wearing masks and with it being a city grocery store the aisles make it almost impossible to stay 6ft away from others.

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    Angela Minga over 4 years ago

    I strongly support the wearing of masks in all public places. If wearing a mask can help save lives, including my own, why are we arguing about it? The effort is very minimal compared to the benefit.

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    Erin Harrington over 4 years ago

    Protect those who are forced to be back at work because of the self-centered actions and short sightedness of the current administration. Wask up or prepare for another shut down.

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    Jackie Borchert over 4 years ago

    The least we can do for each other is offer any amount of protection. With a grandson due in 10 weeks, I beg people to consider others. I personally wear a mask many hours every workday and at all times in public.

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    Allison Goetz over 4 years ago

    It's like wearing a seatbelt - not hard to enforce, common sense, and keeps everyone safer.

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    Michael Bachmann over 4 years ago

    If YOU want to wear a mask, then wear one. How do you plan on upholding this stupid new law? Are you planning on using the police department that everyone seems to want to defund? Are you planning on hiring a bunch of new social workers to walk around with whistles and ticket books to issue people these tickets? How about putting them in the high crime neighborhoods at night to help with the gangs. I think our already short staffed men and women in blue are having a difficult time keeping our streets safe. How many more people need to be a victim in Milwaukee before you figure this out?

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    Mariah Beck over 4 years ago

    Wearing a mask saves lives. This is not about stripping people of their freedoms, it is about stopping the spread of this virus.

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    Stephanie Ciaccio over 4 years ago

    Strongly support. This is a bare minimum effort to keep those around you safe. It shouldn’t be this hard to get people to wear a mask.