I oppose this 100%. It should be our choice if we wear a mask or not. If people are so afraid then they can stay home. I can't breath when wearing a mask. I thought we lived in a free country not one that the government dictates what we do. Do not pass this
I strongly urge you not to pass this. Covid has been proven to be less deadly than the seasonal flu. Masks also do not stop the spread. If an individual want's to wear a mask than go ahead but I will refuse to have my normal breathing infringed upon . Use common sense .
I will support as many local businesses as possible if this mandate goes through. Masks are such an effective and simple measure to help keep our communities safe.
I will take my business outside of the city limits just like we did when all of the bars and restaurants were open except in Milwaukee. I'm sure the other municipalities appreciate the extra sales tax revenue. You are choking out certain businesses within the city while the suburban bars and restaurants will gain new business.
Masks should be an individuals choice and responsibility. What is the outcome of wearing a mask? This will not take the virus away. Viruses do not vanish suddenly. They implore the body and will prosper on to the next host. They will mutate and reinfect. Being said, we will continue to get this virus until the virus gets us. It’s extremely unfortunate and horrible. What are we to do? Once we take those masks off after this said mandatory order ends, we will be right where we are now. Quality of life will be deteriorated in any situation. You may as well live how you choose to in the meantime.
Other countries have proven that consistent, widespread use of masks/face coverings are effective, and they are essentially the *only* way to keep people safe while allowing the economy to be some semblance of open. Go anywhere in Milwaukee and you’ll see many people carrying on as if we’re not in a pandemic. A mandate is the only way to keep people safe and the only way to salvage the economy.
I love the fact that face Masks may be mandatory. So many residents and business owners are taking this virus lightly this ordinance being put in place is a step in the right direction. If people don't want to do what is necessary for the health safety of themselves and others YES!!! make it law so then they won't have a choice. This is not a decision that will affect this city in a negative way no this is going to help this city slowly heal and move us in a positive direction.
Please mandate masks for all indoor public activities and outdoor activities within 6ft of others. We need to protect each other, and the only way to do that is if EVERYONE participates, not just whoever feels like it. We are all tired of wearing masks and social distancing, but the longer we fight the bare minimum of wearing masks around others, the longer we are going to have to do this.
Drop the ego. This is a public health emergency. Would you like others to cough and breath on your family? Do you want your neighbor on their death bed because you got to close? To those who oppose this requirement- shame on you. What did a 4”x6” piece of cloth do to offend you in a past life? This is not a violation of your rights- even CHILDREN understand the mask benefits. bc shocker- we don’t have to live like this forever if we take steps now. I know- hard to believe. BUT we have the resources to stop this. So why wouldn’t you? Don’t bother answering- you’ll be on a ventilator soon.
I strongly support this ordinance! Wearing masks in public is prudent, smart, and necessary to protect all of us. Thank you for having the courage to propose this!
Personal freedoms can not be at the expense of other people's health. Require mask use to save lives
I oppose this 100%. It should be our choice if we wear a mask or not. If people are so afraid then they can stay home. I can't breath when wearing a mask. I thought we lived in a free country not one that the government dictates what we do. Do not pass this
I strongly urge you not to pass this. Covid has been proven to be less deadly than the seasonal flu. Masks also do not stop the spread. If an individual want's to wear a mask than go ahead but I will refuse to have my normal breathing infringed upon . Use common sense .
I will support as many local businesses as possible if this mandate goes through. Masks are such an effective and simple measure to help keep our communities safe.
I will take my business outside of the city limits just like we did when all of the bars and restaurants were open except in Milwaukee. I'm sure the other municipalities appreciate the extra sales tax revenue. You are choking out certain businesses within the city while the suburban bars and restaurants will gain new business.
Masks should be an individuals choice and responsibility. What is the outcome of wearing a mask? This will not take the virus away. Viruses do not vanish suddenly. They implore the body and will prosper on to the next host. They will mutate and reinfect. Being said, we will continue to get this virus until the virus gets us. It’s extremely unfortunate and horrible. What are we to do? Once we take those masks off after this said mandatory order ends, we will be right where we are now. Quality of life will be deteriorated in any situation. You may as well live how you choose to in the meantime.
Other countries have proven that consistent, widespread use of masks/face coverings are effective, and they are essentially the *only* way to keep people safe while allowing the economy to be some semblance of open. Go anywhere in Milwaukee and you’ll see many people carrying on as if we’re not in a pandemic. A mandate is the only way to keep people safe and the only way to salvage the economy.
I love the fact that face Masks may be mandatory. So many residents and business owners are taking this virus lightly this ordinance being put in place is a step in the right direction. If people don't want to do what is necessary for the health safety of themselves and others YES!!! make it law so then they won't have a choice. This is not a decision that will affect this city in a negative way no this is going to help this city slowly heal and move us in a positive direction.
Please mandate masks for all indoor public activities and outdoor activities within 6ft of others. We need to protect each other, and the only way to do that is if EVERYONE participates, not just whoever feels like it. We are all tired of wearing masks and social distancing, but the longer we fight the bare minimum of wearing masks around others, the longer we are going to have to do this.
Drop the ego. This is a public health emergency. Would you like others to cough and breath on your family? Do you want your neighbor on their death bed because you got to close? To those who oppose this requirement- shame on you. What did a 4”x6” piece of cloth do to offend you in a past life? This is not a violation of your rights- even CHILDREN understand the mask benefits. bc shocker- we don’t have to live like this forever if we take steps now. I know- hard to believe. BUT we have the resources to stop this. So why wouldn’t you? Don’t bother answering- you’ll be on a ventilator soon.
I strongly support this ordinance! Wearing masks in public is prudent, smart, and necessary to protect all of us. Thank you for having the courage to propose this!
I implore the common council to reject this ordinance. This is an over reach. It should be the individual's decision to choose to wear a mask.