Meeting Time: June 27, 2022 at 1:30pm CDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

2. 220273 Resolution directing the Department of Administration - Intergovernmental Relations Division to lobby for repeal of s. 940.04, Wis. Stats., which bans abortion.

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    Jonathan Storms over 2 years ago

    The Milwaukee Council NEEDS to uphold statute 940.04. The highest court in the land (SCOTUS) overturned Roe V. Wade for good reason. We all fundamentally understand that human life is precious and needs to be protected, that’s why we have laws against murder. It’s obvious scientifically that at conception that baby meets every criteria for human life, and should be treated as a human. Uphold statue 940.04 because it’s the right thing to do in the eyes of God. You have an opportunity to establish justice and punish evil doers! Abortion is murder and should be treated as such!

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    Isaiah Muckerheide over 2 years ago

    The Common Council must uphold Wisconsin law 940.04 because they must understand and view that preborn children have the same human rights as all of us do. Abortion is the act of ending a growing, living human life and must be acknowledged and prosecuted as murder. It is a vile and evil act of shedding of inconcent blood. We must protect our constitutional rights and God given rights for all human beings.

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    emily schamburek over 2 years ago

    as a woman i have come to the decision that I will not bring a child into the world that doesn't support healthcare as a basic human right. i will not raise a child to let them be slottered in the school system that gives guns more rights than the children themselves. I'm scared for my future and the future of all children. I'm scared for a society where I cant use apps to help me track my period in fear of being prosecuted. i dont want to be held hostage in my own body.

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    Anjana Mudambi over 2 years ago

    Yes! Abortions should be legal and safe. Abortions are reproductive healthcare decisions that must be made through conversations between doctors and patients - not politicians. The rest of the world is seeing the United States go backwards and is shocked by the lack of moral leadership. In 1855, the state of Wisconsin became the only state in the nation to declare the Fugitive Slave Law as unconstitutional. Let the state be a moral leader again and land on the right side of history by repealing an outdated and unjust 1849 law and safeguarding the rights of all people who are able to become pregnant.

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    Eleos Alatheia over 2 years ago

    Abortion is murder and should be treated as such. It's shameful and appalling that our state AG refuses to do his duty and prosecute those who commit the crime of murder. The slaughter of the preborn child is not and has never been a human right. To do away with the laws on murder is to become a state of absolute lawlessness. Do your duty, do what's right. Outlaw ALL abortion and prosecute those who break the law.

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    Linda Riesen over 2 years ago

    Time to repeal the archaic statue on the books. Women's health care includes access to safe abortions

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    Angellea Trewhella over 2 years ago

    Stand up and uphold your oath to protect and serve ALL people. Even those in the womb. Protect the rights of our children now, no matter how small. All women, and all situations need support, and an alternative option needs to be given.

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    Caitlin Last over 2 years ago

    Reproductive rights are essential to fully realized citizenship! No one's health care should be limited because someone else will "sleep better" at night (in reality, they don't care about the "baby" OR the mother, and have never lost sleep over abortion). Restricting health care is a flagrant restriction on religious rights, and is therefore unconstitutional. Even Sharia law has less abortion restrictions than Wisconsin now. Is that what Republicans have been wetting themselves about forever? That Sharia law was coming to the US? Our motto is FORWARD! Resist!

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    Jason Storms over 2 years ago

    Our abortion statute was put in place for good reason, to affirm what we all know intuitively and which modern science clearly affirms, that a pregnant mother is carrying in her womb a precious human life. Abortion is a barbaric practice and should not be legal.

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    Lily Johnson over 2 years ago

    No one should be forced to continue a pregnancy they do not want, no matter the reason.

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    Carrie OConnor over 2 years ago

    I strongly support this resolution. Abortion rights are human rights. Banning abortion will not make it go away--people will die without safe access. All people should have the right to choose what is best for them and their bodies.

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    Erica Steib over 2 years ago

    I strongly support this resolution. Abortion is a fundamental healthcare procedure. If this archaic ban stays in place, Wisconsinites will take on financial burden, injury, and even die to get the care they need. There is nothing about this ban that protects life. The vast majority of people in this state support the right to abortion, so it's time that our laws and government reflect the will of the people and not a minority of corporate elites and the religious zealots who financially support them.

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    Joseph TOELLE over 2 years ago

    A woman should not abort her child

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    Tara Reimer over 2 years ago

    In the same way that capitalism functions because society collectively has faith that a piece of paper has value, Democratic society functions because people have faith that our laws and government have authority. We collectively create that authority with our faith in them. The overturn of Roe v. Wade and the reinstatement of s. 940.04 is just another huge blow weakening that faith. The vast majority of citizens of the state of Wisconsin understand that a woman without bodily autonomy is a woman without full enfranchisement. (See results of Pew research polls: We have allowed a minority faction to rig the system so that money and land control our government, not people. "Law and Order" types don't understand that an orderly and productive society is impossible under oppression. We will always resist.

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    Andrea Konz over 2 years ago

    Judaism teaches that the physical and mental health of the mother is the primary and only concern when decisions are made about that woman's body. Life begins with the first breath. Therefore, forcing someone to carry a pregnancy that they do not want or that endangers their life is a violation of Jewish law because it prioritizes a fetus over the living adult who is pregnant. By opposing this resolution you are taking away religious freedom. What a woman does with her body is between her and God.

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    Sara Stuebs over 2 years ago

    We the people of Wisconsin oppose murder. Murder is a crime in the state of Wisconsin and has repercussions for that crime. A baby inside the womb has their own DNA, blood type, organs, heartbeat at a different rate than his or her mother, personality, can feel pain, suck their thumb, smile, hiccup, basically what I am reiterating is a baby is a separate human being. Why would a baby on ultrasound as we see wiggle and writhe away from the powerful suction before their body is torn limb from limb and the doctor jokes, "Beam me up Scotty!" How is it humane to deliver the head of a nine month old baby slice open the back of their neck crush their skull, suck out their brains, and deliver the rest of their body? Oh and then throw their sweet poor little lifeless body into a 5 gallon fish bucket. Before 1973 abortion was a felony and this was before we had 4D technology, CAT scans, MRIs, and the technology to clone other life, create life in a petri dish freeze the life and then re-insert the life back into its mother. . Do the right thing and protect the life of all humans. The right to choose with your body for a woman includes tubal ligation, hysterectomy, and abstinence.

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    Kelly Alice over 2 years ago

    I am able to comment today because my ( then ) scared, 16yo bio mom- back in 1978, placed me for adoption instead of murdering me. There are other options. Enough said.

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    Courtney OShea over 2 years ago

    I support this resolution.

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    Bob Cress over 2 years ago

    Each human life has value - from conception to natural death. We has rights which shall not be infringed - life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness! Taking an innocent ife anywhere along the spectrum is wrong and repealing this law would further promote discrimination via ageism and ableism. It's hard to promote a free and just culture when we persecute based on such things via abortion - the intentional killing (murder) of pre-born babies. Going around this law is promoting lawlessness and the objectification of human life, which must be avoided in a civil society. Please note that if abortion is allowed based on ableism (heartbeat, consciousness, ability to feel pain), then it will not be long before those on the other end of the age spectrum will not be far from receiving the same persecution. CPR rescues lives when a heart stops beating, why would we consider an abortion allowable while the heart is being developed and is not long from beating? We must seek to love others and repealing this bill will continue to further out culture towards hate and discrimination. Thank you for listening - to God be the Glory! Repent and turn to Christ for forgiveness, salvation, and freedom

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    Molly Michel over 2 years ago

    I strongly support this resolution. The current WI Law was on the books before women were even legally considered people who could make their own decisions. It existed before a complete understanding of female anatomy and the reproductive process, much less proper prenatal and pregnancy care. We wouldn't refuse to update laws from almost 200 years ago in regards to other areas, there is no reason to let this law stand either. We know more than we did in the 1800's. Let's bring the law up to date and recognize the full rights of Wisconsin women to make decisions for their own bodies and lives.