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The City of Milwaukee, WI
ZONING, NEIGHBORHOODS & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE on 2020-06-30 9:00 AM - This is a virtual meeting. Those wishing to view the proceedings are able to do so via the City Channel - Channel 25 on Spectrum Cable - or on the Internet at
Meeting Time: June 30, 2020 at 9:00am CDT
Closed for Comment June 30, 2020 at 8:00am CDT
The online Comment window has expired
Agenda Items
Select an Agenda Item to Comment on.
1. 200133 Substitute resolution relating to a Minor Modification to the Detailed Planned Development known as Honey Creek Corporate Center, Phase I to permit additional building wall signage at 125 South 84th Street, located on the north side of Interstate 94, west of South 84th Street, in the 10th Aldermanic District.
Legislation Text
Affidavit for Zoning Change
Exhibit A
CPC Letter
Hearing Notice List
PowerPoint Presentation
2. 200136 Substitute resolution authorizing acceptance of an unsolicited offer to purchase from Mattie Katrice Echols for the City-owned tax deed property located at 3020-3022 West McKinley Boulevard, in the 4th Aldermanic District.
Legislation Text
Land Disposition Report and Due Diligence Checklist
Fiscal Impact Statement
Hearing Notice List
3. 200248 Resolution authorizing acceptance of an unsolicited offer to purchase from David R. Storey for the City-owned tax deed property located at 3845 West Forest Home Avenue, in the 11th Aldermanic District.
Legislation Text
Land Disposition Report and Due Diligence Checklist
Fiscal Impact Statement
Hearing Notice List
4. 200134 Substitute resolution authorizing acceptance of an unsolicited offer to purchase from Kathleen A. Sartorius for the City-owned tax deed property located at 2512 South 34th Street, in the 8th Aldermanic District.
Legislation Text
Land Disposition Report and Due Diligence Checklist
Fiscal Impact Statement
Hearing Notice List
5. 200135 Substitute resolution authorizing acceptance of an unsolicited offer to purchase from Eduardo Viayra Navarro for the City-owned tax deed property located at 1125A South 25th Street, in the 8th Aldermanic District.
Legislation Text
Land Disposition Report and Due Diligence Checklist
Fiscal Impact Statement
Hearing Notice List
6. 200250 Resolution approving a Project Plan and a Development Agreement, authorizing expenditures and creating Tax Incremental District No. 105 (Community Within the Corridor), in the 15th Aldermanic District.
Legislation Text
TID 105 Project Plan
Fiscal Impact Stattement
Comptroller Response
Hearing Notice List
PowerPoint Presentation
7. 200188 Appointment of Lafayette Crump as the Commissioner of City Development by the Mayor.
Legislation Text
Appointment Letter
Letter from Caressa Givens
Support - CARW
Support - Fix Development LLC
Support - Haywood Group
Support - Milwaukee Downtown BID 21
Support - NAIOP
Support - Pamela Halfmann
Support - Safe and Sound
Support - VJS Construction Services
Hearing Notice List
8. 200282 Reappointment of Erica Lewandowski as Commissioner of Building Inspection by the Mayor.
Legislation Text
Appointment Letter
Hearing Notice List
DNS Statement
Support - NAIOP
Support - Pamela Halfmann
1 Comment
The following file may be placed on file as no longer necessary:
9. 191414 Resolution relating to a Certificate of Appropriateness for the replacement of existing roof and gutters at 3039 and 3041 N. Sherman Boulevard, in the Sherman Boulevard Historic District, for Martha Monroe.
Legislation Text
Withdrawal of Appeal
Request for Hold
Appeal Letter re. HPC decision
E-Mail Communications with HPC Staff
Roof Installation Info Sheet
Slate shingle Tech Sheet
Asphalt Shingle image
Slate Shingle image
Staff Report
Letter to the Local Council Member
Letter to Property Owner
Letter to Property Owners Within 200 Feet
List of Property Owners Within 200 Feet
Certified Mailing to the Property Owner
Signed Certified Mail Receipt
Shingle Roofing Products - May 2019 - provided by Ms Monroe
Appeal Rights Letter
Certified Mailing to the Property Owner
Signed Certified Mail Receipt
Unclaimed Certified Mail
Unclaimed Certified Mail
ZND Hearing Notice List
This meeting will be webcast live at
In the event that Common Council members who are not members of this committee attend this meeting, this meeting may also simultaneously constitute a meeting of the Common Council or any of the following committees: Community and Economic Development, Finance and Personnel, Judiciary and Legislation, Licenses, Public Safety and Health, Public Works, Zoning, Neighborhoods & Development, and/or Steering and Rules. Whether a simultaneous meeting is occurring depends on whether the presence of one or more of the Common Council member results in a quorum of the Common Council or any of the above committees, and, if there is a quorum of another committee, whether any agenda items listed above involve matters within that committee's realm of authority. In the event that a simultaneous meeting is occurring, no action other than information gathering will be taken at the simultaneous meeting. Times for specific agenda items are estimations. If items cannot be heard at their specified times, they will be heard as soon as practicable thereafter.
Upon reasonable notice, efforts will be made to accommodate the needs of persons with disabilities through sign language interpreters or auxiliary aids. For assistance contact the Legislative Services ADA Coordinator at 286-2998, (FAX)286-3456, (TDD)286-2025 or by writing to Room 205, City Hall, 200 E. Wells Street, Milwaukee, WI 53202.
City Hall and the Zeidler Municipal Building are accessible by "The Hop" City Hall Stations, the MCTS Green Line, Gold Line, 14, 15, 19, 30, 33, and 57 bus routes. Visit for more information. Bike racks are available on Water Street, Market Street, and Broadway, and a Bublr Bike Share station is located on the northeast corner of Kilbourn Avenue and Water Street. Limited parking for persons attending meetings is available at reduced rates (5 hour limit) at the Milwaukee Center on the southwest corner of Kilbourn Avenue and Water Street. Parking tickets must be validated in the first floor Information Booth in City Hall.
Persons engaged in lobbying as defined in s. 305-43-4 of the Milwaukee Code are required to register with the City Clerk's License Division. Lobbyists appearing before a Common Council committee are required to identify themselves as such. More information is available at
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