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Agenda Item

220778 Communication relating to public comments on the Mayor's Proposed Executive Budget for 2023.

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    Aurelia Ceja over 2 years ago

    This budget is a willful decision to bankrupt our city through police funding. We continuously take away necessary resources for people such as libraries, and instead you all choose to give the police 50% or our budget. I urge everyone to say no to this budget, as it clearly doesn’t reflect the needs or wants of residents of Milwaukee

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    Rory Donovan over 2 years ago

    The budget allocates way too much to the police department. There are needs that will not be met if this proposal goes through. At least half of the MPD budget should be reallocated to libraries, mental health services, schools, parks, and other public services - things that actually support people's health and livelihood. City employees should also not be laid off in order to give more money to the police!

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    Rubin Flectcher over 2 years ago

    As a former employee of the Department of Neighborhood Services, I am opposition of this budget. All members of this committee need to read Milwaukee Journal Sentinel article dated 10-6-2022 "Milwaukee’s Department of Neighborhood Services plagued by vacancies, delays and safety concerns". DNS cannot even afford a licensed architect or professional engineer that is required by the State to maintain a first class city status. Contractors, building owners, and designers know the inspection staff is overwhelmed, overworked, and underpaid resulting in cutting corners in the construction and maintenance to buildings throughout the City that affects future generations to come. We needs to clamp down overtime given to MPD. Overwork and its accompanying stress and exhaustion result in more police misconduct civil lawsuit payouts to the tune of 40 million in the last ten years. We cannot punish our way out of poverty and as best said: "A budget is a moral document." We need to put value back into our community & not fork over half the budget to an occupying force that does not even live in or care about the our City. We need to change the direction of this budget before we are insolvent!

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    Amanda Simon over 2 years ago

    I'm writing to oppose cuts to the Milwaukee Public Library budget. The library is one of the few places people can count on visiting for no charge and access ample books from many different branches, events, tutoring, employment & tax resources, computers, and so much more. Our libraries & amazing parks system are the main reason my family chooses to stay in Milwaukee- these are valuable assets you can't find in every city. They are essential and should be a priority in the city budget, not at risk for reduced staff & hours. Please reconsider decreasing funding for MPL as it would negatively impact many residents.

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    Bryna Goeckner over 2 years ago

    I am writing to you today in support of Milwaukee Public Library.
    At a time when the demand for library services is increasing as a result of the growing need for educational programming, and larger numbers of residents are flocking to utilize critical library resources, Milwaukee Public Library faces the prospect of staggering reductions in the city’s proposed budget. The $1.9 million in cuts to an already depressed library budget will result in reduced hours, limited services, and branch closures.

    Please don’t let that happen.

    As a longtime supporter and user of the Milwaukee Public Library, I am asking you to restore funding for this treasured institution. Our neighborhoods depend on the amazing staff serving Central Library and 12 branches that provide education and enrichment in our lives. Free access to technology, workforce development, early literacy skill-building, summer reading, makerspaces, teen connected learning, senior citizen programming, and much, much more is taking place each and every day at Milwaukee Public Library. It would be a tragedy to take these much-needed services and safe spaces away from the citizens – especially those who rely on them the most.

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    Victoria Gillet over 2 years ago

    I am aware that Milwaukee is having to make some difficult budgeting decisions – including cuts to programs and services that are important to me and other residents. At the same time, we have a golden opportunity to access new federal funds from ARPA and the Inflation Reduction Act. As a physician, I know that securing funds from these sources to implement the Climate and Equity Plan is the most important thing we can do for the ongoing health of my patients and my family.

    As tempting as it may be to allocate one-time funding for immediate and pressing needs, we must act strategically. The city’s forthcoming Climate and Equity Plan has laid out proposals that will simultaneously address climate change, and create greater economic opportunities for low-income households and people of color. Many of these proposals can be supported by funding from ARPA and the IRA – but we will need staff to research, apply for, and report on new grants from federal sources. Let’s leverage the money we do have in our city’s budget, to hire grant writers and fund development experts for the ECO office and other city departments so they can access these federal dollars.

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    Dean Stefanczyk over 2 years ago

    I work for the Milwaukee Water Works. The city needs to make difficult financial and administrative decisions. One being, deciding which positions in the city are critical and require institutional knowledge, then prioritizing those positions in the budget. Making the correct decisions by maintaining staff at critical positions will build institutional knowledge, paying dividends in the future. I respectfully suggest senior water treatment plant operator (SWTPO) is one of those positions. The SWTPO is responsible for the safety of the city's drinking water.

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    Shelia Payton over 2 years ago

    I'm writing to oppose cuts to MPL's budget. I understand how difficult this decision is. However MPL gives children in some of the most challenged neighborhoods access to resources that can be the difference between continuation of a cycle that makes it exceptionally difficult for them to break free from poverty, develop the talents they were gifted with, and grow up to make a difference in their communities. The library is where kids have access to the internet that helps them do their homework and learn things they otherwise would likely never know about; a peaceful environment that is a refuge from what too often is chaos in their lives that convinces them things cannot be better; activities that can expand their understanding of what's possible in life--including a broader understanding of the many things people who look like them have accomplished. It's difficult for people, especially children, to be what they can't see. MPL helps them see a bigger world and more possibilities. Instead of cutting the budget seek funding from non-profit and private sources using the long term benefits as a rationale for support.

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    William Schroeder over 2 years ago

    Hello, I'm writing to oppose the budget proposal. I cannot believe that Mayor Johnson wants to increase police spending yet again. If we let this trend continue it will lead to insolvency for our city. I work on the North Side of Milwaukee as a letter carrier and it's readily apparent what taking away public resources and lack of investment away from the people in this city does. People are in poverty and need help and investing this much in the police signals that the city could care less about us and would rather throw people in jail than solve these issues.

    We need to keep our libraries, we need to re-allocate at least 50% of police spending and allocate this into accessible healthcare/welfare programs, invest more in our public schools/after school youth programs, and increase wages for all city workers--definitely more than the meager 2% currently proposed. Fund our people! Not the police!

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    Alan Chavoya over 2 years ago

    I am writing to oppose the budget proposal. It's absurd that Mayor Johnson, knowing that the city is heading towards insolvency, continues to give into the demands of the police for an even larger budget. The city cannot afford to continue spending so much money on the police. Increased spending on police gets justified by talking points about crime rates going up in Milwaukee. How exactly is spending more money going to drive crime rates down? Over the last decades, Milwaukee has increased the police budget to take up half of the city's budget while crime rates have also skyrocketed. Increased spending on police has not and will not lower crime.

    Instead of an increase to police funding, we should take at least 50% of their budget and reinvest it into services that actually lower crime rates, such as strong, well-funded public schools and extracurricular programs for our youth and their families, public services with staff paid what they deserve (not the low wages that cause them to leave in record numbers), accessible and affordable quality health services, especially mental health, and more healthy cultural and recreational opportunities. Fund the people, no the police.

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    Ann Stanton over 2 years ago

    -Please increase funding for street repair in the most economically disadvantage ZIP Codes like 53205. This is a racial equity issue as the people in those ZIP Codes largely have less means to repair their cars that are damaged by the poor condition of the streets.
    - also, please add additional barriers in the right lanes of streets with high reckless driving/reckless driving related accidents. The planters/barriers are the only thing that I have seen help with reducing running red lights/passing aggressively in the right lane through intersections/“baselining.“ streets that I’ve noticed with serious issues are capital Drive, Center Street, Atkinson, Fond du Lac, and Silver Spring.
    -lastly, please make sure the street lights stay on consistently in the ZIP Codes with higher rates of attempted/completed carjackings, car thefts, car break-ins. I’ve noticed that many street lights go out randomly and have been the victim of a carjacking at gunpoint where the street lights were out at midnight for some reason. I have talked to teens/young adults who have targeted areas where the street lights go out to steal cars.

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    Kyle Crum over 2 years ago

    I am writing to you in support of Milwaukee Public Library.

    At a time when the demand for library services is increasing as a result of the growing need for educational programming, and larger numbers of residents are flocking to utilize critical library resources, Milwaukee Public Library faces the prospect of staggering reductions in the city’s proposed budget. The $1.9 million in cuts to an already depressed library budget will result in reduced hours, limited services, and branch closures.

    Please don’t let that happen.

    As a longtime supporter and user of the Milwaukee Public Library, I am asking you to restore funding for this treasured institution. Our neighborhoods depend on the amazing staff serving Central Library and 12 branches that provide education and enrichment in our lives. Free access to technology, workforce development, early literacy skill-building, summer reading, makerspaces, teen connected learning, senior citizen programming, and much, much more is taking place each and every day at Milwaukee Public Library. It would be a tragedy to take these much-needed services and safe spaces away from the citizens – especially those who rely on them the most.

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    Rodney Sanchez over 2 years ago

    I write to oppose the cuts to the Public Library System in Milwaukee. It is vital to continue access to this valuable resource - for all citizens of Milwaukee, and especially those with limited financial resources. Not only does it provide access to those who cannot afford it any other way, it also provides a safe and quiet environment where kids and hang out when the neighborhoods they live in don't provide such opportunities.

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    Kathy Wallace over 2 years ago

    I am writing to oppose the $1.9M budget cut for our city libraries. The library is such a life line to so many in our community that it seems like there has to be another alternative than restricting library access or even closing branches down. With inflation and rising gas and food prices (just to name a few) hitting all of our communities pretty hard, why take aim at our libraries? Certainly there is another way!

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    Sandra Melcher over 2 years ago

    Now is not the time to reduce the Milwaukee Public Library's budget by $1.9 million. Doing so compromises democracy in our community. The public library is the foundation of democracy in society. Now is not the time to reduce access to jobs, literacy, and educational resources. We cannot afford to diminish democracy in our community more.

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    Sylvia Dawson over 2 years ago

    I am writing to urge you not to cut funding to the Milwaukee Public Library. The library has always been an important and vital part of the the community, especially during the pandemic. It has not only served as an educational resource, but a safe haven to so many disadvantaged residents. I understand that difficult decisions must be made to the city's budget, but cutting library funding is detrimental to our community. Please don't let that happen. Who else is going to step up and provide the same abundance of resources that the library provides to ALL for FREE???

    Thank you for reconsidering!!!

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    Norma Mortimer over 2 years ago

    I grew up going to the library every few days to gather a new stack of books. When I left Milwaukee, I lived in a place that had no library. It was a sad place to be. When I returned 30+ years ago, the library was a regular stop for myself and my child. Now, retired, I visit the library daily to use the computers and take home materials. The interactions with the helpful staff provides important social interaction and helps with materials searches I cannot do myself. I see the library has as many regulars as any local bar or eatery. We all support each other. Curtailing hours and services works to the detriment not only of us elders, but also to the little ones who come regularly. I see students of all ages here as well. Want to have a city of readers? Support the local library!
    Norma Mortimer
    Retired MPS teacher

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    Cameron Williamson over 2 years ago

    I am writing in support of the public library. The Milwaukee Public Library is an amazing resource for everybody. It's not just a place to store books and be quiet, the many services offered are invaluable to our community. They provide spaces for people to create and learn. Necessary things for living a fulfilling life. It would be shameful to make the library reduce hours and services.

    I understand that hard choices need to be made in regards to our city's budget, but cutting library funding is not it. If anything, the library needs more funding. Maybe the bloated police budget should be reduced instead.

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    Ryan Daniels over 2 years ago

    I urge the Committee not to make cuts to the Milwaukee Public Library’s budget. Now more than ever, this community needs all the support the library and its staff can provide to our children, teens and adults. Curtailing hours and locations will have an adverse impact on access to programming, computers, WiFi, books and so many other critical resources currently offered. Please restore the $1.9M.

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    Paris Miller over 2 years ago

    I am writing in opposition to the mayor's budget.

    Throwing more money at the police is not going to solve any of the problems that Milwaukee. People are suffering in this city and funding the police will only make matters worse and lead to insolvency. Money needs to go into areas that actually help the community, not the oppress them

    The Milwaukee Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression and AFSCME demand the following:

    - No layoffs for general city employees
    - Give general city employees the raises they were promised
    - Reinvest money from MPD to fund public sector jobs, culture, recreation, and mental health services

    On a personal note, I stand in solidarity with Milwaukee Public Libraries and the workers running them