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Agenda Item

1. 211396 A substitute ordinance relating to aldermanic district boundaries commencing in 2022.

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    El Sebas almost 3 years ago

    I support the common councils map submitted by Voces.

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    Valeria Cerda almost 3 years ago

    I am voicing my support for the map submitted by voces de la frontera.

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    Sergio Muniz almost 3 years ago

    As populations grow, so should political power and representation. Passing a third Latinx majority or plurality district will allow Milwaukee’s growing Latinx population to have a fair and equal voice in our city for the next decade. I support voces’ map for a third majority Latinx district in Milwaukee.

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    Gabriela Dorantes almost 3 years ago

    I support the Common Council’s map submitted by Voces de la frontera.

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    Camila iuscely almost 3 years ago

    Census data has shown that every thirty seconds a Latino in the US turns 18, generating a new voter, and a contributing member in our society. We need to foster and generate an environment where these new Latino adults feel included (and our longstanding Latino residents do too).

    I’m asking the common council to support our Latino community and accept one of the two maps submitted by Voces to create a third Latino district.

    With the most current statewide gerrymandered map we have already lost Walker’s Square to the eastside. Now I know members of the Common Council have enjoyed a taco, arepa or even a Paloma at Zocalo (named after the largest gathering place in the Capital of Mexico), and if you haven’t, I highly encourage it. Unfortunately it’s eastside territory now.

    Zocalo offers a culturally traditional Latino space, a tiny sliver of Latin America, here in Milwaukee. Some folks feel at home when they enjoy the space, and others feel like they’re on vacation in a warm south-of-the-border country.

    Why not create the same feeling for our Latino community as a whole here on the southside?

    Please accept a Latinx majority district for our residents, and for our future voters.

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    Maria Burke almost 3 years ago

    To members of the Common Council, I ask you to draw fair maps for the City of Milwaukee that allow for representation of our most vulnerable citizens, especially people of color. Latinx Milwaukeeans in particular need their voices heard. Please consider passing the maps created by Voces de la Frontera.

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    Natalia Fajardo almost 3 years ago

    The Wisconsin Poor People’s Campaign unites people throughout our great state to fight against systemic poverty and racism, ecological devastation, militarism and religious nationalism. It includes a Milwaukee chapter with representation on the north and south side of the city.

    We believe that Aldermanic district boundaries should be drawn to ensure fair and equal representation for all voters - especially voters of color who have been historically disenfranchised.

    Our recent report (link below) on the power of low income voters shows that, in Wisconsin, poor and low income voters accounted for 39.8% of voters in the 2020 presidential election; however, white low income voters accounted for a higher vote share than all other racial groupings combined. It is imperative to create voter protection and fair representation vehicles that ensure this democracy works for everyone, not just a few.

    As representatives of a majority working class city, the members of the Common Council should advance the voting rights for all by creating fair maps.

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    Paul Vang almost 3 years ago

    To the members of the common council: I strongly urge you to adopt Voces De La Frontera’s proposed maps. In 2020, throughout a global pandemic, we urged the people to fill out their census in order to strengthen our communities and our democracy. The common council needs to follow through on this promise by creating maps that are proportionately representative of our communities.

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    Tommy Molina almost 3 years ago

    Members of the Common Council, I ask that you support either Voces Proposal #1 or Voces Proposal #2. It is beyond time that Latinos in Milwaukee have the representation we deserve. Although we make up twenty percent of the population, only 2 of the 15 alders are Latino. Supporting the Voces proposals advances the cause of voting rights and allows the growing Latino population to elect candidates of our choosing. The Voces proposals put forward are already a compromise; voting to put forth maps that seek to lower the percentages of Latinos, or crack them across multiple districts, is an attack on voting rights and is disgraceful. It can be difficult to take a stand on behalf of marginalized people, but we as the community will remember those that had the courage to do so and the others that stood idly by. Thank you.

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    Fabi Maldonado almost 3 years ago

    Ivy Sanches 1243 S Layton Blvd Milwaukee WI 53215

    “There should be better representation and comfort for the people. There is a Large Latino Population that should have better representation”

    Members of the Common Council, I urge you to stand up for racial justice and democracy by passing either one of the two maps submitted by Voces de la Frontera that would create a third, Latinx majority or plurality district.

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    Rebeca Acosta almost 3 years ago

    Members of the Common Council, I urge you to stand up for racial justice and democracy by passing either one of the two maps submitted by Voces de la Frontera that would create a third, Latinx majority or plurality district.

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    Rebeca Acosta almost 3 years ago

    Members of the Common Council, I urge you to stand up for racial justice and democracy by passing either one of the two maps submitted by Voces de la Frontera that would create a third, Latinx majority or plurality district.