Meeting Time: March 19, 2021 at 10:00am CDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

4. 201513 Communication relating to public comments submitted to the Citizen Anti-Displacement Advisory Committee.

  • Megan_mcgee
    Megan McGee almost 4 years ago

    I live in Bay View near Lincoln and the train tracks, and as giant condos have popped up nearby, I've been shocked to see the prices. At the same time, I see lots of comments on various neighborhood Facebook pages from folks who are having trouble finding affordable housing, or who are worried about the most recent assessments and jump in property taxes. There's a definite need for more public conversation about these issues and creative solutions - but the folks most affected have lots of barriers to participate, and COVID-19 only makes it harder. So, I'd like to request more public hearings, with more advance publicity in English and Spanish. If you haven't already, might you issue targeted invites to groups working in affected areas like Muskego Way Forward? Also, I've been glad to see efforts like the MKE United Anti-Displacement Fund but I think the 2018 Anti-Displacement Plan should be updated to account for the effects of COVID-19, as there are likely other affected areas beyond the ones that the Fund is supporting. Overall: thank you for your efforts to date; this committee's work is critical and should be continued and expanded and more visible.

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    Yanet Martin almost 4 years ago

    We need the Alderpeople appointed to this committee to hold public hearings, for this year. There were NO meetings held last year. Nothing can be decided without any meetings with community input in a public format.

    Additionally, the plan has to be reviewed to accurately reflect the disastrous impacts COVID-19 has had on residents, and, be up to date. You cannot make plans and recommendations while viewing a plan from 2018 and assume the city has not changed. Walkers Point is not what it used to be, and it’s changed more than ever even with the pandemic happening. This is just scratching the surface on the issues of displacement and poverty.

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    Yanet Martin almost 4 years ago

    I’m a lifelong resident in 53204, and one of the things that has been very evident when it comes to issues that directly impact residents, is that:
    1) These meetings are not readily available for the public to know about, which then prohibits a feasible timeline for us to be able to submit public comments to you
    2) They are not accessible*
    3) Beyond public comment, why is the issue of displacement not being handle via conversations with residents in a manner that more people could access? (example: live streaming)

    *Accessibility in terms of language (there should ALWAYS be simultaneous interpretation available for residents that are not English speakers)

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    Sypher LadyX almost 4 years ago

    I would like to submit a request to host the Citizen Anti-Displacement meetings open for public comment and consideration for proper timely notice; if possible live Q & A regarding the topic as opposed to listening only sessions. The 2018 Report would not accurately reflect the increase in resident displacement directly north & south of downtown, and having pledged to a minimum of 2 meeting a year the lack of public input seems arbitrary. As well as access to Spanish Speaking residents & options for accessibility. What's your proposition for 2020-2021 plan? Ald. Coggs, Perez & Stamper have you and all 9 members of the committee had a chance to discuss and meet the times needed? What are the measures you have developed to prevent and limit displacement due to the effect of Gentrification, rising rent and property taxes? I'd also like to request comment from newest members like Ms. Flores Villareal of the committee on their observations, would the committee be able to address the overall increasing poverty rates & low income residents moving out due to increasing housing values in Milwaukee? Lastly, will there be a re-evaluation of the plan? since the current proposal is from 2018.