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Agenda Item

5. 201109 Reappointment of Ann Wilson to the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners by the Mayor. (4th Aldermanic District)

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    Paul Mozina almost 4 years ago

    Thank you Alderwoman Dimitrijevic for opening this item for public comment during the PS&H Meeting.

    Back on January 24, 2013 the Public Safety Committee heard File 121371 related to the appointment of Ms. Anna Wilson to the Fire and Police Commission.

    Former Alderman and Common Council President at the time, Willie Hines Jr., opened the discussion by thanking the Chair of the Committee, Alderman Terry Witkowski, for "changing the system" and allowing PUBLIC COMMENTS.

    Here is a link to the video of that January 24, 2013 Public Safety Committee Meeting, where, for the first time, the public was allowed to speak to the Committee regarding the appointment of a Commissioner. Jump to 49:24 for the start of the item.

    Also, consider that when Commissioner/Pastor Fred Crouther was reappointed in September 2019, the Common Council did not interview him — it rubber stamped his confirmation with no discussion.

    I sincerely appreciate the opportunity to speak at the January 7th meeting and look forward to sharing my thoughts on Commissioner Wilson with the Committee then.