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Agenda Item

1. 200419 Reappointment of Jeanette Kowalik as Commissioner of Health by the Mayor.

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    Nikotris Perkins over 4 years ago

    Dr. Kowalik had been a fierce voice in creating partnerships, listening to community need, and being clear that the quality of life health outcomes of those trying to thrive on the margins is the responsibility of the city. As commissioner Kowalik has been focused on staffing, data collection, and responsive department actions as well as creating externally facing platforms to dismantle health disparities grounded in Milwaukee’s segregated and racially volatile atmosphere. Her service has been invaluable and her reappointment is vital for Milwaukee’s health outcomes.

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    Renee Scampini over 4 years ago

    I support the reappointment of Commissioner Kowalik. Her team is incredible, works tirelessly to improve the lives of Milwaukeeans, and has shown much grace and strength prior to and during this pandemic. Being one of the first cities to highlight the now well-known COVID related racial disparities is a testament to her prioritization of getting to the bottom of root factors that affect health. Under her leadership, we can move toward health equity as a city.

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    Kyle Pfister over 4 years ago

    Commissioner Kowalik has demonstrated bold and compassionate leadership during COVID-19, while centering the underlying racial inequities plaguing our City's health. She's positioned Milwaukee as a national leader in collecting and understanding racial disparity data, stayed rooted and responsive to community leadership, and takes seriously public health's transformative role in Milwaukee's future. Internally, she is investing in crucial staff development and restructuring to ready MHD for the dire challenges ahead. I support Dr. Kowalik's reappointment and am grateful for her service.

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    Wujie Zhang over 4 years ago

    I support the reappointment of Commissioner Kowalik.

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    Amanda Avalos over 4 years ago

    Health Commissioner Kowalik has shown courageous leadership in her tenure with the City. She has worked towards building trust with the community, shows transparency, and moves the City towards achieving health equity for all its residents. I support her reappointment because she is an asset to Milwaukee, especially during this pandemic.

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    Caroline GomezTom over 4 years ago

    I support the reappointment of Commissioner Kowalik. She is dedicated to Milwaukee and its residents and her leadership has helped the health department start to mend after years of discombobulation.

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    Tammy Rivera over 4 years ago

    Commissioner Kowalik has made herself and her staff available to our residents. She has demonstrated genuine partnership, transparency, cultural competence, and subject matter expertise. She committed to participating monthly, and more importantly, follow through with our live daily/weekday, online community forum several times. Additionally, she has insured that our Deputy Director of Environmental Health participated, who has now committed to being on twice a month. This is critical for our service areas, which has the highest COVID 19 positive test results right now.

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    Ruthie Weatherly over 4 years ago

    I support the reappointment of Commissioner Kowalik.